A mental health and addiction advocate, space holder and empathic guide.

As we navigate the body, mind and spirit through each individual’s unique journey we cannot eliminate the challenging inner and out circumstances of life. We can integrate supportive practices that transform our health and emotional responses that can allow space for a greater level unity and peace. Expanding awareness is the key to maximizing our potential. As we spend time on self-discovery of our internal landscape through meditation, movement and breath and begin making intentional choices for the physical body through healthy diet, supportive herbs, movement and massage we can begin to build that awareness, so we are supported as we move through life. As we heal traumas by moving through and digesting them, our sense of inner peace and connection to our inner strength, Divine Feminine, Shakti Rising, Divine Wisdom you can shift what is not in alignment for you and holding you back. We all have a unique elemental and cosmic makeup that gives us a guide to reach this optimal potential and well-being. Let’s uncover this mystic knowledge together!

Additionally, I am excited to share my Herbal Infusions and Massage Oils with you. I carefully hand craft these nourishing and restorative small batch infusions with the highest intentions to bring you closer to balance. These products are alchemized not only with the healing powers of the earth, but also with sacred sound. I infuse everything with ancient sacred mantras to increase the healing potency delivered to your mind, body and soul.

I have a background in Massage Therapy, Herbalism, Ayurvedic Consulting, Jyotish Vedic Astrology, Sanskrit Mantra and Yoga. I am originally from Baltimore, MD and currently live in Seaside, OR with my partner and 2 dog babies.

Om Sri Dhanvantre Namaha