Ayurveda originated in India and is a 5,000-year-old Holistic Medicine System focused on returning to physical spiritual and mental/emotional balance. We will take a close look at your subtle energetics and elemental make-up and create a plan in alignment with your natural rhythms. Cycling with the natural world through diet, herbs, movement and meditation will support you through life’s ups and downs.

    A virtual session with cosmic and elemental energetic exploration focusing attention on your unique constitution. We will create a personalized plan that is tailored to your goals and lifestyle.


    Purify and unite the body and mind. Explore Somatic Embodiment Practices with Kundalini Yoga to help you reach your goals. Kundalini is not just exercise; it is a Holistic approach to releasing and moving through thought and behavioral patterns and habits that are no longer serving. As the yoga of awareness, it is a powerful practice that awakens our inner Shakti- a powerful subtle creative energy force that brings strength, health, creativity and inner freedom. It is a deconstruction of negative baggage held in your cellular DNA. Creating space for the reconstruction and reconnection to peaceful wholeness and fullness. Process long term deep seeded issues to release them. Kundalini Yoga has immeasurable benefits on all the systems of the body. It can reset the nervous system, regulate hormones and glandular function, improve the immune system and bring balance to the digestive, circulatory, respiratory and reproductive systems. These sessions will be virtual.


    An in depth look at your Vedic Astrology Chart, exploring planets and their placements, Nakshaktras, Numerology, Yantra, Sacred Geometry and dosha.

    Connecting to our cosmic energetic DNA brings an awareness to who we be in the world. Allowing our uniqueness and strengths to shine without shame, guilt or hesitancy. Gain compassionate insight into your struggles to move into forgiveness and self-acceptance.

    You will receive a written report and we will have a virtual consultation with time for questions.


    This virtual one on one session leans more heavily into astrology and the current planetary transits and the interplay with your natal chart. I will combine the Vedic sciences of Jyotish Vedic Astrology and Ayurveda to focus on whatever you need at the time. We can take a look at your natal chart and transits, and your current health goals and incorporate Ayurvedic practices to support you. This could be diet, herbs, mantra, yoga, breath or other balancing remedies.

    Ayurveda is a 5,000-year-old holistic medicine system that brings balance and supports the body, mind and soul. It is a holistic way of living that connects us to our true nature. An additional supportive Vedic Science is Jyotish (the science of light), also called Vedic Astrology. The energetic influences of planetary interactions on our mind and body cen be quite powerful and bringing an awareness to how this shows up can relieve a lot of internal and external pressure and bring clarity and light to what you are experiencing. If you can, please provide your date, time and location of birth.